Thursday, 18 March 2010

They're Off!

At last there is some activity on the General Election front. Northampton University is holding a Question Time debate tonight at the campus. The University Debating Society states on its website that it has invited "SOME" candidates from the Northampton North Constituency to answer questions.
Who decided which candidates should be invited, and which should be "exvited"?
The candidates for the following parties will make up the panel:
Lib Dem

Well, that's interesting! Why, because at least 2 Independents have publicly declared their intention to enter the fray in Northampton North, including yours truly Malcolm Mildren ("Mildo" to the Chronicle and echo).
Unfortnately I shall not be able to swell the audience, as I am going to the Martin Bell meeting at the Central Library this evening. 
Independents will be a force at this election, particularly in Northampton. Former MP Tony Clarke is to stand in Northampton South, where it appears that Labour may be putting up a "paper" candidate.
What fun! Let battle commence.