Monday, 3 May 2010


The last few days have been really hectic. The final "Leaders Beauty Contest" on Wednesday evening, (see posting below), was preceded by the Chronicle & Echo hustings for Northampton North, at the County Cricket Ground. The press gave it to the Liberal Dems, although I got a good mention in the paper, as an Independent, and many present said that I made the most impact.
Since then we have been hitting the pavements and knocking on doors, all over the constituency. Well received everywhere, and a fair number of posters up, particularly around Lumbertubs. Telephone calls coming in from voters, to chat before sending off postal votes or pledging to vote on the day.
With the opinion polls continually fluctuating, the overall result in the country is too close to call.
In Northampton North the Lib Dems appear to be scurrying around all over the place, saying it is a "2 Horse Race between their hopeful  and a  Tory. As I have said before, there are 9 horses in this race, and favourites can often be obstructed, or stumble, and let a lesser favoured entry past the winning post first.
It was interesting to see that the Chron rated Tony Clarke, the Independent Candidate, a clear winner in the Northampton South hustings debate on Friday, with Tory  second. No doubt the Lib Dems will say it is a "3 Horse Race"!
Just for the record, there are 10 candidates there!
We shall be very busy tomorrow as we have requests for many of our leaflets from well wishers who want them for display purposes, and of course knocking on doors.
We expect little rest this week, fighting the cause of independence and open politics for the people. Will try to post daily!